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Enrollment Information

Open Enrollment

Open enrollment period for the fall semester begins the first day of July and ends at 5:00 pm ET on September 3.
Open enrollment period for the spring/summer semester begins the first business day of December and ends at 5:00 pm ET on February 3.

Those international students who do not have an approved waiver on file by the deadline will:

  • have a hold placed on their account
  • have to purchase the Purdue Insurance plan
  • incur a $200 late fee

You must visit the Student Insurance office in PUSH, Rooms G11 or G13 to enroll after the deadline date.

Annual vs. Semester Enrollments

We encourage students to enroll and pay for the Annual plan. Though a student has the option of enrolling separately for Fall and Spring/Summer, it is more advantageous to purchase the Annual plan. Students must meet the eligibility requirements only once if the annual plan is purchased. When purchasing Fall and Spring/Summer separately, the eligibility must be met at the beginning of each coverage period. In the event of a serious illness or injury prohibiting a student from returning to class for Spring/Summer, charges incurred after January 1st would not be covered due to ineligibility for insurance.